Due to the current outbreak of Coronavirus, we are taking these measures to stay compliant with State and National Regulations and to spread awareness of safety practices within the congregation, and to keep us informed, as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle within this period.
Amidst concerns surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to let our congregation know how the leadership team of RCCG-STRC is responding to these daily challenges and updates. We are committed to doing everything we can to provide a safe environment for our church family and surrounding community.
We will continue to gather for all activities scheduled at the church premise. If at any point, there is a change, the church family will be notified immediately.
To ensure that we are all protected and maintain a healthy lifestyle within this period, we are implementing these guidelines, which are in line with CDC (Centers of Disease Control) and DOH ( Department of Health- New Jersey) Guidelines.
- Ensure that the congregation has been made aware of the Corona virus
- Give periodic updates of the coronavirus by church leadership to congregation
- Adhere to all Government Restrictions/Policy and Procedure with regards to prevention of wide spread of virus.
- Report possible cases/Presumptive case within the church body
- We are asking that if you have been outside the country for the past 3 weeks to please ensure that you are healthy prior to attending any activity at the
- We are asking that if you are sick, presenting with all symptoms that may mirror coronavirus that you stay away from public gatherings, and please notify church leadership.
- We are asking our health care workers to report any exposure to anyone under their care with coronavirus to better help us protect the rest of the congregation.
- We are asking that the church family should adhere to the stipulated guidelines on preventative measures
- If you have travelled internationally during the last 14 days, feel sick with fever or cough, or have difficulties breathing, seek medical advice.
A. We are encouraging everyone to take these precautionary steps to protect themselves and others form coronavirus by doing the following:
- Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds;
- Use hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available;
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with dirty hands;
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
- Cover your cough or sneeze;
- Disinfect commonly used objects and surfaces
- If possible, stay home when you are sick.
- Do not travel while sick.
The Leadership of the church have taken these measures to ensure a clean environment to prevent outbreak of disease.
- Wiping down all common area touchpoints (e.g., doors, light switches, countertops, etc.) throughout the day with an EPA certified disinfectant.
- Placing hand sanitizers in common areas throughout the buildings.
- Performing added deep cleaning
- Providing wipes, which will be placed at strategic areas at the church.(children, youth, church main buildings).
- Face mask upon request will be provided.
- During our worship gatherings, we will continue using a safer way to serve communion.
- We encourage everyone to take precaution and consider creative interactions (like elbow bumping instead of hand shaking!).
We will provide thermometers to families who are unable to obtain one. Please if any of the children or elderly population are running a high fever inform the church leadership or children teachers to ensure accountability and monitoring of our members health status.
As a faith-based community, we have a special responsibility to be our “Brother’s Keeper” we will care for our fellow congregants and communities by providing accurate information, and not misleading conceptions . Please feel free to speak with anyone in the church leadership regarding your concerns.
Thank You!
Pastor & Pastor (Mrs) Oloidi.
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